Since its independence in 1948, and even before, Israel has been seen as a disruptive factor to world peace.
The United Nations equated Zionism with racism.
Anti - Israel sentiments in the world are growing, with limited successes such as those of the BDS Movement.
Within Israel, there are also those who seek to join the anti - Israel platform, including intellectuals, who originally identified themselves as post Zionists. They feel that they have the right to delegitimize the State of Israel at every opportunity that presents itself, and they have a supportive audience abroad, both Jewish and non - Jewish.
More recently, however, it is with shock and pain that we have witnessed the smears against the IDF, Israel’s army. Who are Israel’s Defense Forces? We are the IDF, our children are the IDF, our grandchildren are the IDF. We are being vilified.
As we see ongoing lies written about the army, in which we all proudly served, we are horrified. Nothing vaguely resembles what we experienced in the army.
We decided that the lies and misconceptions, which are damaging Israel - both within and outside its borders has to end.
We decided Ad Kan – That’s It! . We work to disprove the lies that are spread about us.
Gilad Ach - CEO
Aviram Zeevy - Chairman

Revealing the Truth.